Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Dream

     When talk about dream, absolutely all people have their own dream. For example, What is dream of a ugly ladies or men? Of course is to make some beautification their face. How about poor man? I though he will said "I will become rich one day soon!". But most of them never try to  make their dream become true. They just wait and wish for it as they believe it can be true. I though work hard was the suitable idea to make our dream become true. 

      I have my own ambition like everybody. I have two ambition that I want to fulfill for my life. First ambition, I want to get cg-pa 3.5 and above because I don't want pay my loan MARA and want it become my scholarship. My second ambition, I want to be a businesswoman. I want to have my own company to produce my own product. My product is about medicine to have a slimming body because I want to help fatter people and also to provide healthy lifestyle to them. When we are good in health, we can do anything that we want with a good physical and mental.For those my ambition because I want to have a lot of money, make my family happy, I want to have my dream car, my dream house, I want to go to Mekah. That my dream, without achievement of my ambition I will never get my dream. I will give my effort with my own self and supporters from my family will make me meet my GOALS!!

      One day, I hope my dream become true. I want to make my family be happy and proud with me. Pray for my dream.Amin.

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